We do have a present day every year but its not the same. -- Kas12
Is that Boxing Day? I just learned about it today.
I live in USA.
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
We do have a present day every year but its not the same. -- Kas12
Is that Boxing Day? I just learned about it today.
I live in USA.
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
You're welcome, Kas12:
The first in my family, I came into the truth over 50 years ago, and my nieces and nephews, one child, and grandchildren left way before me. We have a good relationship.
As cofty so well said, calm and patience on your part is important. It's hard for us older folks to put all the pieces together and then act on what we see.
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Welcome, Kas12, to the forum -- your first post!
Whatever a person's age, there's always confusion about what to do in something this major. You'll get lots of good insight and help here.
Best wishes.
it is christmas morning ....the weather outside looks cold grey and dismal (typical britain in winter ) the house is quiet as my wife gets on with something.
.... the street is silent, as dead as the grave.
the tv is full of the purile nonsense that fills airtime this time of year .
Yes, no man's land.
Wishing all of you well, while I digest everything I have just now read on BB's thread. It surely helps reading about how you manage.
I'm sitting a beautiful home -- quite alone -- while friends, clients, family celebrate Christmas well out of my proximity. I had a lovely dinner with a friend last night, and we exchanged gifts. Nice. Today, I am away from the din of my "boarding house," where I rent a room. Sometimes I want company, sometimes I want to be alone, here at my DELL laptop. Normal feelings, I imagine.
Well, Merry Christmas! Anyone doing Boxing Day? Just read up on it now and the stoning of St. Stephen.
lots of people are drinking heavily and letting their wives drive..
i feel a sadness so deep that friends wonder why my art and my blinds remain undrawn.. gone is the muse who promised me solacewhile guys played ball and climbed tall trees.. a blank canvas before me says, "here's your life, where has it gone?".
is it too late to become what imight have become .
Greetings, Happeanna:
It's nice to see you back -- looking forward to more posts!
Love this:
lost loves
resonating words
consoles with company
i am sitting here, so utterly bored and waiting for this day to be over.
so i'm starting a new topic that probably has been done a thousand times but hey, i'm fairly new here.
humor me :).
I am as overwhelmed by your story, Phoebe, as I am by the kindness of your aunt and the old man so long ago. Wish I had words!
More later, . . .
"a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
" -- henry adams.
were both your mind and heart touched by a particular teacher?.
Thanks, days of future passed, for sharing that. She believed in you.
I learned oil painting in fifth grade and still have a landscape I painted then -- 59 years ago!
Do you still paint?
the speculation i am about to propose over the fifth discourse of the gospel according to matthew, which includes chapters 23 to 25, is based on the following:.
1. up to the time that babylon destroyed the temple in jerusalem in the 6th century bce, the nation was dominantly polytheist.
leading up to that period, the tiny monotheist “yahweh-alone” gradually exerted increasing influence.
Hey, Doug:
While I write poetry, I am listening to "Solaris," Chronotope Project, Hearts of Space.
i feel a sadness so deep that friends wonder why my art and my blinds remain undrawn.. gone is the muse who promised me solacewhile guys played ball and climbed tall trees.. a blank canvas before me says, "here's your life, where has it gone?".
is it too late to become what imight have become .
I'm not happy without you.
Yes, you are. You make beautiful
poetry out of your unhappiness and
you like that.
Poets should never marry.
The world should thank me for
not marrying you.
-- William Butler Yeats and Maud Gonne